Tui Na Massage Therapy
Massage Therapist serving Leduc and Edmonton, AB
The age-old science of Chinese Tui-Na medicine revolves around the use of the physician’s hands to diagnose through palpation and treat diseases and illnesses with a variety of manual techniques. The Tui-Na physician will then tailor-make a treatment protocol to each individual patient based on the specifics of their particular situation to effect a cure. These treatments are done without the use of devices or drugs, relying solely on the physician’s hands directly treating the patient’s body. A well-trained Tui-Na physician will also be quick to utilize modern medical resources when available, gladly taking a patient’s MRI, X-ray, biopsy, or other test results into consideration. While the average person may only conceive of such treatment methods as useful for external or orthopedic disorders, the reality is quite different.